famous concert on thursday, may 4th: THE SLITS

1976 two women decided to found a punk band.
1977 The Slit were the first time on stage and played before The Clash.
Then they went on tour with The Clash.
Their music was really powerfull and punky.
Their first LP was named "CUT" with an artfull cover of the nearly naked three women of the band.
One of the founder, Ari Up, worked 1981 with Adrian Sherwood
and made two LPs with his studio projekt New Age Steppers.
After that, the second Slits LP "Return Of The Giant Slits" came out.
In December 1981 the band broke up.
In the year 2005 Ari Up and Tessa Pollitt came together again as
The Slits
and played at march 10th 2006 their first concert in london.
Although they were well known in london as an early punk band, they got very late a record contract.
Their first album "Cut" from 1979
is influenced from their interests
to reggae and dub.
At Do. Mai 04, 01:14:00 AM 2006,
Anonym said…
yeaaaaah, ich freue mich auch schon!! lass uns in die erste reihe gehen, ja? ;)
At Do. Mai 04, 05:47:00 PM 2006,
Anonym said…
I second that!
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